All Saints Sunday

St. James in-the-City | LOS ANGELES

Reading of Names on All Saints Day

Every year on All Saints day, we read a list of names of the beloved people in our lives, who have passed away. If you would like a name or names read aloud during our upcoming All Saints Day service, on a list that we call the necrology, please send those names to Jon+ at by this Saturday. Thank you!

Don't Forget to Fall Back!

Clocks turn back one hour to standard time this Sunday AM. Don't forget to reset your clocks before bed on Saturday evening!

This Sunday in Great Music

Evensong with The Choir of St. James

This Sunday, at 4:15pm, the Choir will perform a special All Saints Day service of Solemn Evensong featuring music by Bernard Rose: Responses; Herbert Howells: Collegium Regale Canticles; Philip Moore: O Quam Gloriosum; Ola Gjeilo: Second Eve.

Coffee Hour and Altar Flowers

We need your help with flower donations and coffee hour snacks here at St James.

Flower donations are needed for Nov. 19.

Coffee Hour signups needed:

8am— Nov. 19, 26, Dec. 3, 17, 24, 31

10:30am— Nov. 19 through the end of the year

Please contact Lauren in the office at to sign up.

Young Adults Gathering

Save the Date! The next gathering for Young Adults will be December 3 from 5-7:30pm. Contact Kate for details at

Thanksgiving at our Soup Kitchen

It's so hard to believe, but Thanksgiving is right around the corner! And as many of you know, our Great Food program always puts on a full-on banquet the day after Thanksgiving complete with turkey, sides, pies, and so much more.

If you are interested in supporting our Thanksgiving feast, there are two ways you can help out. The first way would be to bring in a side dish (green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, or cranberry sauce) or a pie to the church before Thanksgiving (November 19 - November 22). Please email Margaret Ecker with what you plan to bring (

The second way you can support us is by making a donation to our Great Food program. This will help offset the cost of this special feast for our friends in need.

St. James Men's Retreat

The Men's Group is excited to announce that their annual retreat will be Friday, November 17th - Saturday, November 18. The retreat will start with an evening of fellowship dinner at Ken Robbins's house. Then, on Saturday morning, we will meet at the Cathedral Center from 9AM - 3PM for a retreat led by Father Jon. New members are always welcome! To register, please contact Ken at

Latest on Your Pledges

Our next budgeting meeting is coming up on November 9. It will be immeasurable helpful to have accurate numbers by then. If you haven't pledged yet, please do!

Baptisms in November

We would love for you to consider baptism! The next date available is November 12. See Kate+ or Jon+ for more information.

How Do You Experience Me?

Ms. Femi Gonsalves-Knight

3903 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010
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St. James in-the-City | Los Angeles

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